キャバリア・リリー日記 事業拡大 (2011/06/04) | 昨年の今日は 2010年06月04日 |
今日のコメントは英語で書かせてもらいます (I'd like to write in English today. I hope to avert probable jealous comment from Japan.) In our rice field (23,343m2) we can harvest 100 sacks (60 kilo per sack) in one season. This mountain farm is still in a stage of wilderness, but we can harvest 30 sacks of corn this year which will yields an income of 14,400 peso (28,800円/1年). We can harvest plenty bananas there. But it's only for our family use at this stage. Hopefully we can sell banana at the market in two years time. |
We are
raising three crops a year |
Our mango farm is 17,890m2. |
raising business Hog business is very promising.
They offer about 100 peso per kilo. |
This is the garage recently build in our backyard of 600m2 I’m dreaming of opening an auto-repair shop in my backyard. |
shop next to the garage |
My wife, Gigi, is the president of Lily Electric Appliance Supplier. We deal with transceiver, Electric parts and measuring instruments. We also offer repair service of computer and antenna as well as service of computer system and software development. (Tel: Geraldine Ueno 0915-3208-414) President Gigi is sitting at the desk in Transceiver shop. So far, most of our customers are people in the city hall and the police station. |
display of Transceiver |
日本円での決算 全ての事業が順調に進んだとして1年間で360,000+28,800+980,000+1,377,000=約2,745,800円 養豚だけで1年間で137万7千円 養豚の規模を3倍まで大きくする予定なので、1年間で414万円 総合計は5,508,800円の収入 日本でならたいした給料ではありませんが、ここフィリピンでは5千万円程度の年収という勘定になります |