キャバリア・リリー日記 事業拡大 (2011/06/04) 昨年の今日は
I'd like to write in English today.
I hope to avert probable jealous comment from

In our rice field (23,343m2) we can harvest 100 sacks (60 kilo per sack) in one season.
We harvest twice a year. Our yearly income out of this field is about 180,000 peso (360,000円/1年)

We have a corn farm which is 25,935m2.
This mountain farm is still in a stage of wilderness,
but we can harvest 30 sacks of corn this year which will yields an income of 14,400 peso (28,800円/1年). 

We can harvest plenty bananas there. But it's only for our family use at this stage.
Hopefully we can sell banana at the market in two years time.

We are raising three crops a year

Our mango farm is 17,890m2.
We have 70 mango trees there.

One tree yields about 100 pieces of fruits.
So we expect about 7,000 kilo of mango fruits a year for maximum.
If the weather was fair and normal, we can have 1,500,000peso (約339万円)every 6 month.

Hog raising business
We have about 80 young pigs in two pig houses.
This piggery is in the adjacent land (600 m
2) to our house. 
We are planning to expand the hog business
by building a new piggery at our mango farm in near future.

Hog business is very promising.
Buyers often come round to see our piggery.

They offer about 100 peso per kilo.
In June and July we sold 27 pigs that brought us 229,500peso (459,000円).
We are hoping to send a batch of pigs to the market every 4 month.
A pig weighs 80 to 85 kilo each at the time of delivery.

This is the garage recently build in our backyard of 600m2
I’m dreaming of opening an auto-repair shop in my backyard.

Transceiver shop next to the garage
We recently opened this shop.

My wife, Gigi, is the president of Lily Electric Appliance Supplier.
We deal with transceiver, Electric parts and measuring instruments.
We also offer repair service of computer and antenna as well as service of computer system
and software development.  
(Tel: Geraldine Ueno 0915-3208-414)

President Gigi is sitting at the desk in Transceiver shop.
So far, most of our customers are people in the city hall and the police station.
display of Transceiver

2011年06月03日  2011年06月05日