as a caretaker of lily,
things to ive done by lily.
first, walking and ruunning in 1 hour,while walking lily has made popo 1 time and ihi in 2 times.when we are strolling lily meet a new friends near the condo and they likes lily come inside their house and play with them.they said they likes lily becuase lily is a behave dog then play lily it inside.
second,back to the condo then clean her feets.prepared her food then lily start eating,she likes to play while eating....after that lily relax in a few minutes we will play lily with the empty bottle and lily enjoyed。and lily relax,she is lying down and i let lily will comb her hair.
third,going out again for strolling then ihi 1 time., lily meet a little girl on the ground when we are walking,the little girl said is lily has a puppy?i said to her,no lily has no puppy yet.
fourth,we will back to the condo and let lily drink water then clean her feet again then play in a short time.
thats all for today and see lily on monday.
have a nice day........
無題as a caretaker of lily,
start walking 8 amcheche 2007/07/16(Mon) 09:16 No.998
Re: お元気ですか?はなちゃん、手術も全部が終わったのですね。よかったですね。
CheCheさんにカメラを持たせましたのでそのうち子守レポートに写真が乗るかもしれません。リリーパパ 2007/07/14(Sat) 20:58 No.997
as a caretaker of lily,
my duty is 8am to 12noon,here are things im done with lily today.
first,lily walking start 8 am to 9am then while walking she made popo 1 time and ihi 1 time also.
second,back to the condo and clean her dusty feet and comb lily's hair.
third,prepared lily 's food then let her eat,she is playing while eating then lily relaxing or sleeping.
and it is my vacant time,,that time wash the dishes then after watching tv while lily sleeping.
fourth,me and lily playing around here with her toys...
fifth,going out again to the condo then walking in 45minutes.lily ihi 1 time.
back to the condo then let lily drink water then clean her feet and lily will going to room with sir ueno..
thats all for todays.
thank you and have a nice day....!!!!!!!
as a caretaker of lily,
when i start my duty,i want lily to be happy and i am trying my very best to do,so that lily will be happy and i know she is happy.this day when i came to the condo ill get lily then carry and hug her,and get the things and ready for stroll.
lily start walking and running when we are in the ground.
lily made popo 1 time then ihi 2 times.
after 1 hour walking we will back to the condo then il give shower to lily becuase lily is very dirty then get her towel wipes after i let hair her blower and and comb hair of lily then prepare her food then lily start eating,she likes to play while eating that is why i need to drop her food to the floor and lily wiil pick it up then eat.
after,i let lily going to sleep, i did not disturb of her then i wash the dishes and wash also the towel of lily.
lily wake up in 30minutes then il get her toys and play.
back to the ground for strolling then lily ihi again 1 time then we will meet 4kids outside then they likes lily to play with them, and lily play to the kids and they are very happy and they said lily is a very nice dog and cute lily like to play too and lily's enjoy and then we will back to the condo becuase lily is very thirsty.
when we return to the condo il let her drink water then same thing wipes her feet then let sleep.its time i use the computer.
thank you and have a good day.......
as a caretaker of lily,
my duty will start at 8am in the morning and now here are thing that im done with lily.
first,when i came inside the condo il carry and hug lily,then get the bag of lily.
second,bring lily to the ground then start walking or running.
ihi in 2 times and popo 1 time.45minutes strolling
third,back to the condo then same thing wipes lily's feet then prepared here food then lily start eating,she like to play while eating.after lily eat il let her comb her hair.
fourth,lily's relaxing and sleeping also,while she is sleeping i am going to washed the dishes then i also relax.
fifth,lily play with her toys then after il let her relax again then after lily relaxing,going back to the ground and sroll then i see lily,she is very happy even it is hot outside,very enjoyed.
ihi again in 2 times.
last,back to the condo then let i lily take off from the bag then let lily drink water after lily drunk water i let her wipe again her feets and comb her hair then lily sleeping.
that is all for today..thank you and have good day.!!!
Re: morning chore for lilyThank you for CheChe-san
I think that the time that Lily has with you is very happy.リリーパパ 2007/07/10(Tue) 14:09 No.991Re: morning chore for lily皆さんからも、是非、CheCheさんへコメント書いてあげてください。
日本語で書いていただければ英語に翻訳して再掲載します。リリーパパ 2007/07/10(Tue) 14:14 No.992
as a caretaker of lily,
when i came inside the condo,lilys very happy,she jump at me...i am late becuase i thought i dont have duty this morning,he said that i will come on duty 12noon, but my boss texting me that i need to work becuase he has a duty too..that is why i am late to come.
when ill bring lily outside and we will start walking or running she is happy. and she played another dog outside that we meet it to the ground,the labrador dog.
lily ihi 3 times and no popo......
after that back to the condo,then let lily drink water after wipes her feet then let her comb lilys hair and then lily relax or sleep in a few minutes..
lily play in a very short time and after we going back again to strolling and it is same thing lily didnt make popo...then we were going to roof top and play..i did not give her food becuse it is done by my boss..back to the condo then lily drink water after drinking i let her wipes again lilys feet then comb her hair,after that lily sleeping then it is time that i use the computer.
thats all for today and thank you.have a nice day
as a caretaker of lily,
lily will walking or running averyday,she start walk or run 8am to 9am,even it is very wet outside now,while lily is walking she made 1 popo and 2times ihi,and she is very happy when she is outside lot of people call her name and play with her and she is very much enjoy.
after that we will return to the condo,then take some shower of her, becuase she is very dirty and then after taking shower il let her blower her hair,and lily very nice dog..,after il just prepare her food then guide to eat,this day she let me feed her,she dont like to eat by her self that is why il put food inside her mouth.after eating i let lily relax or sleep i didnt disturb her and that time while she is sleeping it is my vacant i wash the dishes and using the computer.
when lily's awake,ill get some toys and then we will start playing,but lily play very short time,she like to play outside and in the roof top,thats why after playing i let her relax again then going out for 20minutes and ihi again 1 time,then going to rooftop playing with her ball and jumping on the chair there,after back to the condo clean her feets,then let her sleep.thats all for this morning.see lily next week....
tkank you very much
Re: morning chore.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CheChe-san, thank you today!
popo ウンコ
ihi オシッコ
朝は、1時間も散歩してもらって 1回のウンコと2回のオシッコをしたということですね。
(屋上に公園のベンチのような長いイスが8つ、コーナーにあるのですが、それを順番に飛び乗らせたり降りる訓練をしたらしっかり覚えてくれました。どうやらCheCheさんともそれで遊んでいるようです。)リリーパパ 2007/07/06(Fri) 14:35 No.978
as a caretaker,8am lily start walking and lily while walking or running outside she made popo and ihi 2 times and now she walk very short time becuase it is rainning and she got very dirty.after go inside to the condo and shower lily and wash her body and legs and after that blower after i will prepare her food,she will eat and while eating she is playing also and she likes to play while eating and after i let her relax or sleep i wont disturb her and that vacant time i wash the dishes and going to computer, after lily sleeping,i think 20mins sleeping ill get some toys of lily then play after playing i let lily relax 10 t0 20mins and after lily relaxing,we will go down to let lily ihi again,after that going to roof top me and lily play after playing return to the condo...thats all for today.thank you
Re: morning choreHi CheChe
Thank you report.リリーパパ 2007/07/05(Thu) 11:49 No.976
Re: こんばんはお返事遅くなり申し訳ありません
リリーも久々のビーチに興奮気味でしたが、今日はそのぶん、私の上で気持ちよさそうに寝ていました。リリーパパ 2007/06/25(Mon) 01:25 No.972
Re: ご無沙汰してます!お返事遅くなりました。
沢山遊びにいけると良いですね。リリーパパ 2007/06/19(Tue) 21:56 No.971